Application Note: Turntide Proportional Energy Reporting (PER) - Turntide Technologies

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Application Note: Turntide Proportional Energy Reporting (PER)

An automated, streamlined approach to monitor tenant energy usage

For landlords of multi-tenant residential and commercial buildings using Daikin VRV systems with their Turntide subscription, Turntide’s Proportional Energy Reporting (PER) evaluates indoor energy usage based on outdoor unit meter information to generate estimated, apportioned monthly usage reports, all with minimal installation effort and costs. It may help streamline utility usage apportionment, no matter how many tenants you have or how many VRV systems you run.
Through the Autodiscovery feature on the Turntide App, Turntide extracts VRV system data for all the connected indoor units. With Turntide PER, you get hassle-free, estimated, proportional energy data reporting.

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