Selena Oliver - Turntide Technologies

Include and grow individuals

When I was considering Turntide, the very bottom of the job description encouraged applicants to apply even if they didn’t check all the boxes. I’m not a cardboard cutout of the average employee—I have pink hair and face piercing—and that was my final push. I haven’t regretted it since.

At Turntide, none of that matters. It’s not considered a negative. It’s considered a key part of who I am, and who I am is as valuable to the company and my fellow Tideturners as my work. I’ve worked at other companies where shortly after starting I decided to wait a few months in hopes that the culture would change. It didn’t, and I left those companies.

I’ve been a Turntide for almost two years. I didn’t stick around because of some company policy, but because the company makes good on that policy by purposefully hiring individuals who embody their values. That’s how you create an inclusive culture. That’s how Turntide has created its culture.

It goes without saying, but when I feel welcome, I want to do good work. I want to be 100% the best that I can be, and then I want to top that, but it’s only possible if I feel welcome in my environment.

I can’t do my best work if I can’t be myself. That’s never been a problem at Turntide.